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Automation in the Construction Industry: Will they replace Human Resources?

The construction industry is a crucial sector that drives economic growth and creates jobs worldwide. However, the sector has faced numerous challenges, including a shortage of construction manpower, a lack of skilled workers, and the need to maintain productivity and efficiency while delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget. Automation has emerged as a potential solution to these challenges, but the question remains, will it replace human resources?

The Importance of Human Skilled Labours

Automation has the potential to streamline construction processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. However, it cannot replace the importance of skilled human labour. The construction industry requires a skilled and diverse workforce that can adapt to a range of tasks and challenges. Human resources bring unique expertise, experience, and creativity that cannot be replicated by machines. While automation can support human expertise, it cannot replace it.

The Role of Automation in Construction

The Role of Automation in Construction
Automation has already made significant advancements in the construction industry, ranging from drones that can survey construction sites to 3D printing that can create entire buildings. The use of robots for tasks like bricklaying and concrete pouring has also gained traction in recent years.

Automation can also improve construction productivity, efficiency, and safety by reducing human error, increasing precision, and completing tasks faster than human workers. It can also reduce the need for manual labour, which can be particularly helpful in hazardous or physically demanding work environments.

However, automation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It may not be suitable for all construction tasks and projects, and it may require significant investment and training. Companies must carefully consider the costs and benefits of automation before implementing it and ensure that they maintain a skilled and diverse workforce.

There are certain areas where automation is rapidly revolutionizing the construction workforce. These include:

Construction Site Surveying

Automation has enabled the use of drones to survey construction sites quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional surveying methods.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

BIM is a process that involves creating a digital model of a building that can be used to visualize and analyze its design, construction, and maintenance. Automation has made it possible to create BIM models quickly and accurately, improving the efficiency and quality of the construction process.


Prefabrication involves constructing building components off-site and assembling them on-site. With automation, companies can prefabricate building components quickly and efficiently.

Construction Equipment and Machinery

Automation has led to the development of advanced construction equipment and machinery that can complete tasks faster and more efficiently than human workers. This includes robotic bricklayers, 3D printers, and autonomous construction vehicles.

Sawaeed has been at the forefront of addressing the challenges of manpower supply for construction in the UAE and the wider region. The company recognizes the importance of automation in the construction industry and how it can enhance productivity and efficiency. However, they also acknowledge that automation cannot replace the role of human labour supply in Abu Dhabi and other areas.


Automation is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry. It can improve productivity, efficiency, and safety while reducing the need for manual labour. However, it cannot replace the role of skilled human resources in the construction sector. Companies must carefully consider the costs and benefits of automation before implementing it and ensure that they maintain a skilled and diverse workforce that can adapt to a range of tasks and challenges.

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